We are here to nurture & guide
From very early days all the way through to the preparation for school
Gawler Riverside Early Learning Centre (ELC) has a vast experience of working with children from 0-5 years, with a lovely mix of staff that has experience varying from nearly 30 years with us down to our newest staff only beginning their journey in Early Childhood.
February 2018 saw the birth of the name Gawler Riverside ELC as a change in ownership saw a change in name and new direction, all with the same wonderful caring team of staff staying on. With this change the Centre adopted the Reggio Emilia philosophy, although in its infancy – it is a journey that is paying dividends. The Centre has embarked on extensive physical environment upgrade plan with the first phase now complete.
The Gawler team has a fantastic blend of staff with long term experience in all aspects of children’s learning and development and a very low staff turnover ensuring continuity of relationships with children and families as well as supporting a strong sense of wellbeing and belonging.
At Gawler Riverside ELC we take pride in our relationships with children and their families and it is becoming our hallmark in our flexibility and putting Families first. The Centre has an open-door policy where Families and children can access the office at any time to provide feedback and seek support.
Business Hours
Mon-Fri | 6.30am-6.30pm
After hours available by request
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